Monday, May 11, 2009

Literacy in Secondary Schools

Today, we are seeing the dropout rate in high schools soar higher than ever before in the United States. The big problem is literacy and how kids can't read at their grade level, therefore, dropping out of school because of the difficult struggles to keep up in school. Who is the blame for this? The teachers, parents, students, or the school administrators?  


  1. All of the above and more is the problem! With the society how it is now, parents always busy, video games, computers and text messaging as the norm for communication or free time activity. It's no surprise that students aren't able to read at grade level. Due to parents being so busy, the students don't get the model reading at home or the attention needed on the matter. Also, with all the shortcut ways to communicate with others, student's don't develop the literacy needed. All these things also causes them to get lazy and not read or write appropriately.

  2. In my experience I think parents are the big issue as well as the problems that high school students face nowadays. My opinion is going to be biased because of the population that I work with, which is teenage mothers who are in the state's child welfare system either through DCFS or Probation. These girls very rarely, finish school. Majority, if not all, are in their teens and have not even reached freshman level. Though this is a special population of high school students, it is an example of how their parents have played a role--or not played a role--in their upbringing and education and how these girls will pass this on to their children.

  3. Everyone is to blame for students not being able to read at their grade level. Parents need to be involved with their children's school work. Then they would know what their children need help with. Once a problem is detected, extra help can be sought before the student gets behind. The teachers also have to be able to see that a student is having difficulty and can come up with an action plan for them. The student also has to be willing to seek help and work hard. Communication can always help prevent problems from growing out of proportion and reaching a point where intervention is too late.

  4. I think parents are the biggest influence in a student's life. If the parents don't show an interest in their child's education, why should the child? Every child is different, but they all need encouragement at home.
